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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


1. What distinguishes an enhancement package from a standard upgrade?

With an enhancement package, you have the option to update only specific subsets of software components of your system related to specific business functions. Afterward, you select and activate business functions; the system behavior will change only where a business function has been activated. This targeted update and activation process is key within the delivery methodology of enhancement packages.

2. When is the best time to install an enhancement package?

SAP strongly recommends installing the enhancement package for SAP ERP when performing a regular SP stack implementation. The installation of enhancement packages and the application of the SP stack should be done together in one queue in the SAP add-on installation tool (known as transaction SAINT) or the SAP enhancement package installer. This reduces the downtime and manual effort for the whole installation procedure. In addition, you can leverage synergies concerning modification adjustment as well as regression testing for all software components at that time. 

3. How much end-user training is needed after installing an enhancement package?

No end-user training is required for a pure installation (in other words, the loading of the enhancement package). End-user training for activation is required only for changes that are not intuitive. The changes are documented in the corresponding documentation for each business function. 

4. Which tests are necessary when implementing an enhancement package?

Installing an enhancement package requires a regression test (the same as the test required when implementing support packages). Activation of a business function within an enhancement package requires an acceptance test of the business function. A proposal for the scope is documented in the test catalog that SAP delivers with each enhancement package. The test catalog can be reviewed in SAP Service Marketplace or (after installing an enhance ment package) in the switch transaction (/sfw5).  

5. Is there a direct upgrade path available from e.g. SAP R/3 4.6c to an SAP enhancement packages?

SAP delivered this feature with support release 3 for SAP ERP 6.0. When upgrading to SAP ERP 6.0, the new upgrade tools included in this support release allow you to optionally include parts of an enhancement package. Thus, you can upgrade in one step - for example, from SAP R/3 4.6C to SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) 6.0, including SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP ERP 6.0.  

6. Are enhancement packages cumulative?

Yes. Each enhancement package includes all the functionality and technology enhancements of previous packages as well as all the new enhancements contained in the current package. 

7. When component X is upgraded with enhancement package 2 and component Y is upgraded with enhancement package 3, does SAP still guarantee compatibility between these components?

Enhancement packages are cumulative, so when component Y is upgraded with enhancement package 3, component X is also upgraded to the same version. This ensures compatibility of all components. The maintenance optimizer function of the SAP Solution Manager application management solution identifies the installation packages automatically according to this rule.

 8. Once activated, can a business function be deactivated?

No. It is not possible to deactivate a business function. 

9. Why is the SPAU transaction necessary before any switch activation, even though the software is supposedly not yet changing its behavior?

Updating software components means that new versions of development objects are brought into your software. If you have changed those objects in your software as well, you must adjust your modifications in the newly applied development object so as not to lose your changes. This is independent of any switch activation.

 10. How long will SAP maintain a particular enhancement package?

SAP will maintain an enhancement package for as long as SAP maintains the release upon which the enhancement package is based.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Unix shutdown/restart command (AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Sun)

shutdown        ( 60 sec)
shutdown now (shutdown  60 sec)
shutdown -F     (force shutdown)

shutdonw -r     (reboot and flush cache to disk)
shutdonw -Fr     (force reboot)
reboot         (Not flush cache to disk)

shutdown -hy 0 (Force shutdown  0 sec)
init 0

shutdown -ry 0 (Force restart  0 sec)

shutdown -h now (Force shutdown  0 sec)
init 0

shutdown -r now (Force restart  0 sec)
init 6

shutdown -i5 -y -g0
sync;sync;init 5

shutdown -i6 -y -g0
sync;sync;init 6

What is SAProuter? How to Check SAP Router?

What is SAProuter?

SAProuter is an SAP program that acts as an intermediate station (proxy) in a network connection between SAP Systems, or between SAP Systems and external networks. SAProuter controls the access to your network (application level gateway), and, as such, is a useful enhancement to an existing firewall system (port filter).

Before using SAProuter, you should test whether there are any network problems.
You require the programs saprouter and niping as well as three open windows (shells) on one or more hosts.

Window 2 (host2)
Window 1 (host1)
Window 3 (host3)
niping -s

niping -c -H host2
With SAProuter
niping -s
saprouter -r
niping -c -H /H/host1/H/host2

Steps to test SAP Router

       1.      Start SAProuter in window 1 (on host1). To do this, enter the following command:

UNIX/Windows: saprouter -r
( iSeries: saprouter '-r')

This command calls SAProuter without any parameters.

For a complete list of the SAProuter commands, refer to the chapter SAProuter Options  or the online help. To call the online help, enter saprouter.

       2.      In window 2 (host2), start the test program niping to emulate a test server. Enter the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -s

 iSeries: call niping '-s'

For a complete list of the niping commands, refer to the online help. To call the online help, enter niping.

       3.      In window 3 (host3), start the test program niping to emulate a client. Enter the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -c -H host2

 iSeries: call niping '-c' '-H' 'host2'

This command tests the connection without SAProuter, that is directly between host2 and host3.

       4.      In window 3, start the test program niping again with the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -c -H /H/host1/H/host2

 iSeries: call niping '-c' '-H' '/H/host1/H/host2'

This command tests the connection with SAProuter. A host name is interpreted as a route (over one or more SAProuters to the server) if /H/ is added as a prefix to the host name (see Route Strings ).

In steps 3 and 4, data packages are sent to the server, and the server sends the data packages back. In step 3, the data packages should be sent to the server more frequently, since more process changes take place.

To perform a self test for the local host:

Enter the command niping -t (iSeries: call niping '-t').

What is a SAP System Copy? Homogeneous System Copy and Heterogeneous System Copy or Database Copy

What is a SAP System Copy

Duplication of an SAP system. Certain SAP parameters might change in a copy. When you perform a system copy, SAPinst installs all the instances again, but it uses a copy of the source system database to set up the database.

Source System and Target System

The SAP system containing the original database is called the source system and the system to which the database copy is to be imported is called the target system. Their SAP system names are abbreviated to SOURCE_SAPSID and TARGET_SAPSID . 

The terms source database and target database are also used in this description.

Homogeneous System Copy
During the system copy you use the same operating system and database platform as the original system.

Heterogeneous System Copy
During the system copy, you change either the operating system or the database system, or both. Heterogeneous system copy is a synonym for migration.

Database Copy
Database-dependent part of the system copy.

Step by Step Procedure for Kernel Upgrade

Download Latest SAP kernel From Service Market Place:

1. Copy the patch into a temporary directory on your system.
2. Unpack the patch using SAPCAR.
3. Stop the SAP System. (With NT you may also have to stop the SAP services using the Control Panel).
4. Save the kernel directory by backup or by copying into a separate backup directory.UNIX: /usr/sap//sys/exe/run NT: :\usr\sap\\sys\exe\run If you use a 4.6D-based SAP system (64-bit, non-Unicode) or a SAP system 6.20 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit, Unicode or non-Unicode), there are also the following kernel directories: 

NT: :\usr\sapsys\exe\nuc\ (Non-Unicode)NT: :\usr\sapsys\exe\uc\ (Unicode)

5. This way, you will always have the option to return to the old kernelversion if problems occur with the new patch.
6. Copy or move the unpacked programs into the SAP kernel directory.

For Complete Info Follow SAP NOTE 19466

Kernel Upgrade on Unix Systems:

A lot of people have questions ? answer are even available... but still... even experienced basis admin having trouble now with Kernel Upgrade Here I am Sharing My Experience To Upgarde Kernel On Unix!

1) stopsap
2) clean shared memory
3) saposcol -k
4) ps -ef grep sapstartsrv
5) kill
6) cleanipc
7) lsnrctl stop
8) backup your kernel
9) cd /sapmnt/
10) cp -pr exe exe.001
11) extract new kernel
12) cd exe
13) SAPCAR -xvf
14) Start saposcol
15) startlistener
16) startsap

How to generate Solman Key (without having Solman Server)

You might want to install SAP ECC 5 or SAP ECC 6 and been asking SolmanKey. What if you don't have Solman Server ? Then how would you generate solman key ? There are 2 ways (if you don't have Solman Server to generate solman key) :

1. Ask your friend which have Solman Server to generate it.
2. Use this simple script (VB Script) to generate it.


'   Solution Manager Key Generator   '
'Save to SolManKeyGen.vbs and execute'
'                                    '
Dim SIDs, SNs, SERVs, msg, ENDs, KEYs
msg="System ID (3 chr.)"
SIDs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
msg="System Number (2 dig.)"
SNs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
msg="Server Name (max. 15 chr.)"
SERVs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
KEYs=SolManKeyGen(SIDs, SNs, SERVs)
msg="Solution Manager Key"
ENDs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator",KEYs)
Function SolManKeyGen(SIDst, SNst, SERVst)
 Dim SIDSNhex(5)
 Dim SERVhex(15)
 Dim reshex(5)
 SIDSNstr = UCase(SIDst) + UCase(SNst)
 SERVstr  = UCase(SERVst)
 For arrcnt = 1 To 5
  SIDSNhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SIDSNstr, arrcnt, 1))
 For arrcnt = 1 To Len(SERVstr)
  SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SERVstr, arrcnt, 1))
 For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
  SERVhex(arrcnt) = 0
 If (Len(SERVstr) > 0) Then
  If (Len(SERVstr) < 5) Then
   For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 5
    SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
  End If
 End If
 If (Len(SERVstr) > 5) Then
  If (Len(SERVstr) < 10) Then
   For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 10
    SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
  End If
 End If
 If (Len(SERVstr) > 10) Then
  If (Len(SERVstr) < 15) Then
   For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
    SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
  End If
 End If
 For arrcnt = 1 To 5
  reshex(arrcnt) = ((((0 Xor SIDSNhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 5)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 10))
 reshex(1) = reshex(1) Xor 84  Xor 0
 reshex(2) = reshex(2) Xor 131 Xor 11
 reshex(3) = reshex(3) Xor 194 Xor 46
 reshex(4) = reshex(4) Xor 52  Xor 105
 reshex(5) = reshex(5) Xor 119 Xor 188
 hexstr = "0123456789ABCDEF"
 resstr = ""
 For arrcnt = 1 To 5
  hihex = reshex(arrcnt) \ 16
  lohex = reshex(arrcnt) Mod 16
  resstr = resstr + Mid(hexstr, hihex + 1, 1) + Mid(hexstr, lohex + 1, 1)
 SolManKeyGen = resstr
End Function


Copy this script to your Windows PC and save it as SolManKeyGen.vbs and then execute it... Now you have SOLMAN key.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

eBooks Download - SAP Master Data Management (SAP MDM)

MDM050 - Master Data Management - Overview.pdf

MDM100 - Master Data Management.pdf

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MDM204 - Using SAP NetWeaver MDM for Global Chart of Accounts.pdf

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MDM400 - Data Modelling.pdf

eBooks Download - SAP Netweaver Java (SAP NW JAVA)

JA100 - SAP J2SE Fundamentals.pdf

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JA310 - Java Web Dynpro Basics.pdf

JA312 - Advanced Web Dynpro for Java.pdf

JA331 - SAP Java Open Integration

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JA720 - Migrating a J2EE Application to SAP NetWeaver - Basics.pdf

TAJ311 - Web Dynpros.pdf

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TJA320 - Persistence & EJBs (incl. Certi).pdf

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ADM955 - SAP GRC Access Control - Installation.pdf

GRC300 - SAP BusinessObjects Access Control - Implementation and Configuration.pdf

GRC Process Control.rar

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GRC Access Control - Risk Analysis and Remediation (formerly Virsa Compliance Calibrator).rar

GRC Access Control - Enterprise Role Management (formerly Virsa Role Expert).rar

GRC Access Control - Compliant User Provisioning (formerly Virsa Access Enforcer).rar

TGRC20 - Compliance Calibrator 5.1 Implemeneter Training.pdf

GRC 10.0 Guides.rar

eBooks Download - SAP Solution Manager (SAP SOLMAN)

LCM202 - Solution Manager Strategy.pdf

LCM230 - Solution Manager Roadmap.pdf

SM001 - SAP Solution manager - Overview.pdf

SM001 - SAP Solution Manager Overview(Scanned).pdf

SM001 - Solution Manager

SM100 - SAP Solution Manager for Operations of Solutions.pdf

SM100 - SAP Solution Manager Operations.pdf

SMI210 - mySAP Implementation Overview.pdf

SMI310 - SAP Solution Manager - Implementation Tools in Detail.pdf

USMA30 - System Administration with the SAP Solution

USMX20 - Installation and Technical Configuration of SAP Solution Manager

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BIT100 - Integration Technology - Instructor Handbook.pdf

BIT100 - Integration Technology - Participant Handbook.pdf

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BIT140 - XML in SAP Solutions - Participant Handbook.pdf

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BIT603 - Workflow and Web.pdf

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TBIT41 - Mapping Functionality in XI.pdf

TBIT42 - Adapter Framework.rar

TBIT43 - ccBPM.rar

TBIT44 - Mapping, Adapters and BPM.pdf

TBIT51 -Implementation & Operation II.pdf

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SRM 6.0 - Portal Configuration.pdf

EP100 - Managing_Enterprise Portal Content.pdf

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EP150 - SAP Enterprise Portal and KMC Development (Part 2).pdf

EP200 - SAP Enterprise Portal System Administration - Instrutor Handbook.pdf

EP200 - SAP Enterprise Portal System Administration - Participant Handbook.pdf

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EP600 - Configuration of the Universal Worklist.pdf

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ADM102 - SAP Web AS Administration II.pdf

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TADM12_1 - SAP Web AS Implementation and Operation II.pdf

TADM12_2 - SAP Web AS Implementation and Operation II.pdf

Friday, April 19, 2013

Deleting Existing Permanent License Keys of SAP HANA Database

It is possible to delete all existing license keys in an SAP HANA database. This can be helpful if permanent license keys with an incorrect installation number or incorrect system number were installed on the database. Deleting existing license keys results in a lockdown of the database. The
installation of a new, valid permanent license key is required to unlock the database.

Make sure you have system privilege LICENSE ADMIN before proceeding.

1. In the navigator, right-click the system and choose Properties.
2. Choose License.
3. Choose Delete License Key.

Alternatively, you can use SQL to delete all installed license keys by executing the following SQL command: UNSET SYSTEM LICENSE ALL

Installing Permanent Licenses for SAP HANA Database

Make sure you have system privilege LICENSE ADMIN.


1. To request the first permanent license key for a newly installed SAP HANA database, you need to provide the hardware key and the system ID. To request a subsequent permanent license key, you have to enter the installation number and system number of your SAP HANA database. 

You can get the required information from the SAP HANA studio as follows:
a. In the navigator, right-click the system and choose Properties.
b. Choose License.

If the database is currently running on a temporary license key, the Request License Key screen area displays the hardware key and the system ID. If the database already has a valid permanent license key, the installation number and system number are displayed.
Alternatively, you can use SQL to access the required information from the M_LICENSE system view.

2. In the license key request on SAP Service Marketplace, enter all necessary information. If you have the installation number and system number, then enter them first so that the other input fields are auto-completed. When you have finished, choose Submit.
Permanent licenses are sent by e-mail attachment.

3. To install the license key, you have the following options:
a. In the Request License Key screen area in the SAP HANA studio, choose Install License Key and select the file that you received by e-mail.
b. Execute the following SQL command: SET SYSTEM LICENSE '<license file content>'.

Note: A subsequent permanent license key must have the same system-identification data as the permanent license key previously installed in the database. In particular, the system ID, hardware key, installation number, and system number must be the same. If any difference is detected in this data, the installation of the license key fails and no change is made to the license key in the database.

Checking the Current License Key of SAP HANA Database

Make sure you have system privilege LICENSE ADMIN.

1. In the navigator, right-click the system and choose Properties.

2. Choose License.

In the Current License Key screen area, the following information is displayed:
. License type
. Start date of the license key
. Expiration date of the license key

Managing Licenses of SAP HANA Databases

License keys are required to use SAP HANA databases.

The SAP HANA database supports two kinds of license keys: temporary license keys and permanent license keys. While temporary license keys are automatically installed in an SAP HANA database, permanent license keys have to be requested on the SAP Service Marketplace and applied to the individual SAP HANA database.

Temporary License Keys 
A temporary license key, which is valid for 90 days, is automatically installed with a new SAP HANA database. During this period, you should request and apply a permanent license key.

Permanent License Keys 
You can request a permanent license key on the SAP Service Marketplace at under Keys & Requests. Permanent license keys are valid until the predefined expiration date. Furthermore, they specify the amount of memory licensed to the target SAP HANA database. Before a permanent license key expires, you should request and apply a new permanent license key. If a permanent license key expires, a temporary license key valid for 28 days is automatically installed. During this time, you can request and install a new permanent license key.
There are two types of permanent license key available for the SAP HANA database: unenforced and enforced. If an unenforced license key is installed, the operation of the SAP HANA database is notaffected if its memory consumption exceeds the licensed amount of memory. However, if an enforced license is installed, the system is locked down when the current memory consumption of the SAP HANA database exceeds the licensed amount of memory plus some tolerance. If this happens, either the SAP HANA database needs to be restarted, or a new license key that covers the amount of memory in use needs to be installed. 

The two types of permanent license key differ from each other in the following line in the license key file:
. Unenforced license key: SWPRODUCTNAME=SAP-HANA
. Enforced license key: SWPRODUCTNAME=SAP-HANA-ENF

Note: Although enforced license keys currently only apply to SAP Business One, it is technically possible to install such a license in an SAP HANA instance with a regular, unenforced permanent license. In this case, the unenforced license key has priority. That is, if a valid unenforced license key is found, no memory consumption check is enforced. However, if one license key expires and becomes invalid, the other one, if valid, becomes the valid license key of the instance. If the latter is an enforced license key, then the memory consumption check is enforced.

In the following situations, the system goes into lockdown mode:
. The temporary license key has expired.
. You were using a temporary license key and the hardware key has changed.
. The permanent license key has expired and you did not renew it within 28 days.
. The installed license key is an enforced license key and the current memory consumption exceeds the licensed amount plus the tolerance.
. You deleted all license keys installed in your database.
. The system ID and/or hardware key of your database have changed, for example, after system copy or renaming.

In lockdown mode, no queries are possible. Only a user with the system privilege LICENSE ADMIN can connect to the database and execute license-related queries, such as, obtain previous license data, install a new license key, and delete installed license keys. Note that the database cannot be backed up if it is lockdown mode.

Monitoring SAP HANA During System Startup and Stop

The SAP HANA studio normally collects information about the system using SQL statements.

However, when the system has not yet started, no SQL connection is available. Therefore, while the system is starting up or is stopped, the SAP HANA studio collects information about the database using the sapstartsrv connection. You can view this information in the Adminstartion Editor "diagnosis mode". In this way, you analyze any problems that may occur during startup or while the system is stopped. You can also read diagnosis files even when the system is stopped.

When you open the Administration Editor for a non-running system, it opens automaically in diagnosis mode. The Administration Editor also opens automatically in diagnosis mode when you initiate the start or stop of a system.

You can manually open diagnosis mode for a system by choosing Open Diagnosis Mode from the drop-down menu of the (Administration) button.

Note : To be able to open the Administration Editor of a system in diagnosis mode, you must be able to log on using the credentials of the operating system user (user <sid>adm).

Starting and Stopping SAP HANA Systems

Starting  System 

Login as <sid>adm user

1. In the navigator, right-click the system to be started and choose Start...

2. Optional: Specify a start timeout.
The start timeout defines how long to wait for an instance to start. If the end of the timeout period is reached, the remaining instances are not started.

3. Enter the user name and password of the operating system administrator that was defined when the system was installed (that is, <sid>adm).

Result : The system is started. A green icon appears in the system icon in the navigator.

Note: You can stop and start a system in one step by right-clicking the system and choosing Restart…

Stopping  System 

Login as <sid>adm user

1. In the navigator, right click the system to be stopped and choose Stop...

2. Select how you want to stop the system:

. Hard
Forces all components to stop immediately.
Caution : This may lead to data loss.

. Soft
Waits for all components to stop. You can specify a timeout after which a hard shutdown is to be triggered.

. Stop wait timeout (sec)
If the timeout expires, the operation continues stopping the remaining instances.

3. Enter user name and password of the system administrator.

Result : The system is stopped. A red icon appears in the system icon in the navigator.
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