You might want to install SAP ECC 5 or SAP ECC 6 and been asking SolmanKey. What if you don't have Solman Server ? Then how would you generate solman key ? There are 2 ways (if you don't have Solman Server to generate solman key) :
1. Ask your friend which have Solman Server to generate it.
2. Use this simple script (VB Script) to generate it.
' Solution Manager Key Generator '
'Save to SolManKeyGen.vbs and execute'
' '
Dim SIDs, SNs, SERVs, msg, ENDs, KEYs
msg="System ID (3 chr.)"
SIDs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
msg="System Number (2 dig.)"
SNs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
msg="Server Name (max. 15 chr.)"
SERVs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
KEYs=SolManKeyGen(SIDs, SNs, SERVs)
msg="Solution Manager Key"
ENDs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator",KEYs)
Function SolManKeyGen(SIDst, SNst, SERVst)
Dim SIDSNhex(5)
Dim SERVhex(15)
Dim reshex(5)
SIDSNstr = UCase(SIDst) + UCase(SNst)
SERVstr = UCase(SERVst)
For arrcnt = 1 To 5
SIDSNhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SIDSNstr, arrcnt, 1))
For arrcnt = 1 To Len(SERVstr)
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SERVstr, arrcnt, 1))
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
SERVhex(arrcnt) = 0
If (Len(SERVstr) > 0) Then
If (Len(SERVstr) < 5) Then
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 5
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
End If
End If
If (Len(SERVstr) > 5) Then
If (Len(SERVstr) < 10) Then
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 10
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
End If
End If
If (Len(SERVstr) > 10) Then
If (Len(SERVstr) < 15) Then
For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
End If
End If
For arrcnt = 1 To 5
reshex(arrcnt) = ((((0 Xor SIDSNhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 5)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 10))
reshex(1) = reshex(1) Xor 84 Xor 0
reshex(2) = reshex(2) Xor 131 Xor 11
reshex(3) = reshex(3) Xor 194 Xor 46
reshex(4) = reshex(4) Xor 52 Xor 105
reshex(5) = reshex(5) Xor 119 Xor 188
hexstr = "0123456789ABCDEF"
resstr = ""
For arrcnt = 1 To 5
hihex = reshex(arrcnt) \ 16
lohex = reshex(arrcnt) Mod 16
resstr = resstr + Mid(hexstr, hihex + 1, 1) + Mid(hexstr, lohex + 1, 1)
SolManKeyGen = resstr
End Function
Copy this script to your Windows PC and save it as SolManKeyGen.vbs and then execute it... Now you have SOLMAN key.