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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Unix shutdown/restart command (AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Sun)

shutdown        ( 60 sec)
shutdown now (shutdown  60 sec)
shutdown -F     (force shutdown)

shutdonw -r     (reboot and flush cache to disk)
shutdonw -Fr     (force reboot)
reboot         (Not flush cache to disk)

shutdown -hy 0 (Force shutdown  0 sec)
init 0

shutdown -ry 0 (Force restart  0 sec)

shutdown -h now (Force shutdown  0 sec)
init 0

shutdown -r now (Force restart  0 sec)
init 6

shutdown -i5 -y -g0
sync;sync;init 5

shutdown -i6 -y -g0
sync;sync;init 6

What is SAProuter? How to Check SAP Router?

What is SAProuter?

SAProuter is an SAP program that acts as an intermediate station (proxy) in a network connection between SAP Systems, or between SAP Systems and external networks. SAProuter controls the access to your network (application level gateway), and, as such, is a useful enhancement to an existing firewall system (port filter).

Before using SAProuter, you should test whether there are any network problems.
You require the programs saprouter and niping as well as three open windows (shells) on one or more hosts.

Window 2 (host2)
Window 1 (host1)
Window 3 (host3)
niping -s

niping -c -H host2
With SAProuter
niping -s
saprouter -r
niping -c -H /H/host1/H/host2

Steps to test SAP Router

       1.      Start SAProuter in window 1 (on host1). To do this, enter the following command:

UNIX/Windows: saprouter -r
( iSeries: saprouter '-r')

This command calls SAProuter without any parameters.

For a complete list of the SAProuter commands, refer to the chapter SAProuter Options  or the online help. To call the online help, enter saprouter.

       2.      In window 2 (host2), start the test program niping to emulate a test server. Enter the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -s

 iSeries: call niping '-s'

For a complete list of the niping commands, refer to the online help. To call the online help, enter niping.

       3.      In window 3 (host3), start the test program niping to emulate a client. Enter the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -c -H host2

 iSeries: call niping '-c' '-H' 'host2'

This command tests the connection without SAProuter, that is directly between host2 and host3.

       4.      In window 3, start the test program niping again with the following command:

UNIX/ Windows: niping -c -H /H/host1/H/host2

 iSeries: call niping '-c' '-H' '/H/host1/H/host2'

This command tests the connection with SAProuter. A host name is interpreted as a route (over one or more SAProuters to the server) if /H/ is added as a prefix to the host name (see Route Strings ).

In steps 3 and 4, data packages are sent to the server, and the server sends the data packages back. In step 3, the data packages should be sent to the server more frequently, since more process changes take place.

To perform a self test for the local host:

Enter the command niping -t (iSeries: call niping '-t').

What is a SAP System Copy? Homogeneous System Copy and Heterogeneous System Copy or Database Copy

What is a SAP System Copy

Duplication of an SAP system. Certain SAP parameters might change in a copy. When you perform a system copy, SAPinst installs all the instances again, but it uses a copy of the source system database to set up the database.

Source System and Target System

The SAP system containing the original database is called the source system and the system to which the database copy is to be imported is called the target system. Their SAP system names are abbreviated to SOURCE_SAPSID and TARGET_SAPSID . 

The terms source database and target database are also used in this description.

Homogeneous System Copy
During the system copy you use the same operating system and database platform as the original system.

Heterogeneous System Copy
During the system copy, you change either the operating system or the database system, or both. Heterogeneous system copy is a synonym for migration.

Database Copy
Database-dependent part of the system copy.

Step by Step Procedure for Kernel Upgrade

Download Latest SAP kernel From Service Market Place:

1. Copy the patch into a temporary directory on your system.
2. Unpack the patch using SAPCAR.
3. Stop the SAP System. (With NT you may also have to stop the SAP services using the Control Panel).
4. Save the kernel directory by backup or by copying into a separate backup directory.UNIX: /usr/sap//sys/exe/run NT: :\usr\sap\\sys\exe\run If you use a 4.6D-based SAP system (64-bit, non-Unicode) or a SAP system 6.20 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit, Unicode or non-Unicode), there are also the following kernel directories: 

NT: :\usr\sapsys\exe\nuc\ (Non-Unicode)NT: :\usr\sapsys\exe\uc\ (Unicode)

5. This way, you will always have the option to return to the old kernelversion if problems occur with the new patch.
6. Copy or move the unpacked programs into the SAP kernel directory.

For Complete Info Follow SAP NOTE 19466

Kernel Upgrade on Unix Systems:

A lot of people have questions ? answer are even available... but still... even experienced basis admin having trouble now with Kernel Upgrade Here I am Sharing My Experience To Upgarde Kernel On Unix!

1) stopsap
2) clean shared memory
3) saposcol -k
4) ps -ef grep sapstartsrv
5) kill
6) cleanipc
7) lsnrctl stop
8) backup your kernel
9) cd /sapmnt/
10) cp -pr exe exe.001
11) extract new kernel
12) cd exe
13) SAPCAR -xvf
14) Start saposcol
15) startlistener
16) startsap

How to generate Solman Key (without having Solman Server)

You might want to install SAP ECC 5 or SAP ECC 6 and been asking SolmanKey. What if you don't have Solman Server ? Then how would you generate solman key ? There are 2 ways (if you don't have Solman Server to generate solman key) :

1. Ask your friend which have Solman Server to generate it.
2. Use this simple script (VB Script) to generate it.


'   Solution Manager Key Generator   '
'Save to SolManKeyGen.vbs and execute'
'                                    '
Dim SIDs, SNs, SERVs, msg, ENDs, KEYs
msg="System ID (3 chr.)"
SIDs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
msg="System Number (2 dig.)"
SNs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
msg="Server Name (max. 15 chr.)"
SERVs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator")
KEYs=SolManKeyGen(SIDs, SNs, SERVs)
msg="Solution Manager Key"
ENDs=InputBox(msg,"Solution Manager Key Generator",KEYs)
Function SolManKeyGen(SIDst, SNst, SERVst)
 Dim SIDSNhex(5)
 Dim SERVhex(15)
 Dim reshex(5)
 SIDSNstr = UCase(SIDst) + UCase(SNst)
 SERVstr  = UCase(SERVst)
 For arrcnt = 1 To 5
  SIDSNhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SIDSNstr, arrcnt, 1))
 For arrcnt = 1 To Len(SERVstr)
  SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(Mid(SERVstr, arrcnt, 1))
 For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
  SERVhex(arrcnt) = 0
 If (Len(SERVstr) > 0) Then
  If (Len(SERVstr) < 5) Then
   For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 5
    SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
  End If
 End If
 If (Len(SERVstr) > 5) Then
  If (Len(SERVstr) < 10) Then
   For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 10
    SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
  End If
 End If
 If (Len(SERVstr) > 10) Then
  If (Len(SERVstr) < 15) Then
   For arrcnt = Len(SERVstr) + 1 To 15
    SERVhex(arrcnt) = Asc(" ")
  End If
 End If
 For arrcnt = 1 To 5
  reshex(arrcnt) = ((((0 Xor SIDSNhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 5)) Xor SERVhex(arrcnt + 10))
 reshex(1) = reshex(1) Xor 84  Xor 0
 reshex(2) = reshex(2) Xor 131 Xor 11
 reshex(3) = reshex(3) Xor 194 Xor 46
 reshex(4) = reshex(4) Xor 52  Xor 105
 reshex(5) = reshex(5) Xor 119 Xor 188
 hexstr = "0123456789ABCDEF"
 resstr = ""
 For arrcnt = 1 To 5
  hihex = reshex(arrcnt) \ 16
  lohex = reshex(arrcnt) Mod 16
  resstr = resstr + Mid(hexstr, hihex + 1, 1) + Mid(hexstr, lohex + 1, 1)
 SolManKeyGen = resstr
End Function


Copy this script to your Windows PC and save it as SolManKeyGen.vbs and then execute it... Now you have SOLMAN key.

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